Sunday 9 May 2010


There are some things that we just can't control and often we are left thinking what we are meant to do, why something is happening, or is this really happening.

By no means am I control freak - I just go with the flow and try to make the most of what I've got. Nowadays though, I am beginning to feel more stressed and insecure. I would like to be a confident person - but I'm not. I just pretend to be. I don't really believe that anybody is confident about themselves all the time. There are people who believe that they're too stupid, or too ugly, or that they're rubbish at making friends. We all have flaws but I have come to believe that our biggest flaw of all is our fixation on flaws. Some people may say that it is a fixation on perfection - but that doesn't exist.

I found some old pictures today and they made me feel so sad. I can't ever be in the same moment ever again my life is just whizzing forward on a journey of no return. Every thought I think, every word I write, I cannot write again in the same space at the same time. I just deleted a sentence but I still wrote it, it's still been wrote and I can't unwrite it simply by pressing backspace.

When a volcano is about to erupt it gives signals and signs to warn you about it. It's the same with everything really, before something big, something that could turn your world upside down, there are signs. Many people would just like to ignore the signs - hope nothing happens. Because some of the time the signs mean nothing , they're not there to warn you. So people may pray that they aren't the erupting volcano, and that their sign is invalid.

There are so many questions I would like answered and so many new things to find out. But the simple truth is - there won't be time for them all.

No matter who you are,
Or what flaws you may have,
You're beautiful,
It just takes the right person to see it,
Love Laura

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