Monday 26 October 2009

Sorry Guys : S + Division Leader Legend ; )

Hey guys,

I am truly sorry for not updating but lesson learnt! So, alot has been going on and I have tried many new things : ) But I am going to write about the most interesting one so far : D Well far, far away, in the times of old, when weaving tunes into a delicate web of words was unheard of, a small girl no younger than 14 stumbled onto the art of songSPEECH !!! That's right! It all started when, the overly enthusiastic Klenklen (perhaphs under the influence of the magical spells of BOE) said to the forgetful young girl "I am looking forward to your speech" The girl had completly forgotton about this and using her mind-boggling powers of distorting the truth mumbled "Uh! Yeah, it should be interesting..."

Pondering over her nightmareish stack of forgotten work, she hit a chord! (literally)

Surprising the unoptimistic thoughts of the mysterious JO. The whole division was singing 'Vooooooooooooooooooote me a division leader'

Henceforth, songSPEECH was used throughout the Kingdom.

Okay, this wasn't entirely my doing as it was the fabled Jenn who started singing along with the chorus first and so after this the rest of the gaggle joined in : ) Thanks Jenn

Unfortunetly, although quite a few people voted for me my power of song was not strong enough as it still prevailed to be a popularity contest. : (

There's still next year though ; )


Sunday 11 October 2009


I'm gonna try to post everyother day :)
today i have a completely free day, i done all my homework last night, so i can do whatever i like today.
I think this "project" or what was, has kind of gone out the window =/ because i seem to be treating this more like a general blog rather than the "new thing".
My bad..
For once, since the start of the year i have only had 4 pieces of homework, all the other times i had have about 10 D:

Love Jen x

Friday 9 October 2009


Look this is soo bad, i have'nt posted in such a terribly long time. I'm not even going to work it out but my last post was 20th September, SEPTEMBER?
Tidy room,Tidy Minded ;) My new motto..
Or tidy mind, tidy room but that doesn't matter ;)
so i was going to try out for the school's choir Ex-silentio, but i have always thought singing was my friends "thing".
D: weirdest thing ... Light Pink, My new favourite colour? It's so strange pink has never been a colour of mine :L but it's clean and lovely. I also like light brown, light pink and vanilla :)