Friday 28 May 2010


Ohai. Blexting again, (blogging and texting) ;). Not on a bus though :(
TeLl me, why do things worry me MUCH more when I'm about to fall asleep, but in the morning it's nothinf to worry about?

In the realms of freedom
I hear a voice
I see the ways
from mind and choice
Where worries go
And questions remain
All in all
We're not same
Pictures fly
Around our heads
Causing some panic
Forcing meds
(Well not quite
But maybe so
This little delight
Must now go)


Half Terms around the Corner :)

Only 30 minuites till school ends and then King Edward VI School Year 10 is officially on HOLIDAY! :D

Although holiday is always a good thing I've got a feeling that this half term is going to consist of more work than I would like as I have 2 exams after the holidays. Holidays are different for everyone - some people are constantly doing things and are going out lots. Whereas others prefer to just stay in and enjoy the time alone.

The holidays are great but I usually waste them. Before I know it they are over and it feels like nothing worthwhile has happenend. Every Holiday I make the resolution that this will be a great holiday - something I'll remember. But more often than not this is not the case. This is more proof to me that what we get is never what we expect.

I am expecting that I will be doing lots of revision over the holidays and that I won't go out much and if I do it will be with close friends or family. Maybe the holiday will surprise me and something else will happen but I know it won't.

As a go through life I have noticed a pattern that me and my life follows and it seems that no matter what happens it won't change. Things that matter now won't matter later but they will be replaced by something which is so similar that I shouldn't be able to tell the difference - but I can.

Right I have to go now as soon we'll have to put the computors away and the post will be lost.

Follow your dreams,
Right to the end,
Unless your heart says otherwise,

Love Laura


Thursday 27 May 2010

i would like to welcome our newest follower.

Not that i don't already know you but Welcome. Welcome to our little realm of freedom.

That is all.

Monday 24 May 2010


Ok, here I am again, blogging on the bus ;)
It's the best place for it, I get funny looks because it's like I'm texting but for AGES.
Do you ever think this is it?
I know the saying “fuck it“ or “you only live once“
But do we really only live once, I mean if we do actually only live once surely we'd all want to make something of our lives?
Instead of becoming a druggy on the streets right?
Some people our age don't understand what is really/actually important to them.
A lot of people need to question what they do and why they do it.
Arhh :)
Not so hot today, in fact really cold :(
Jenn x

Sunday 23 May 2010

Heat messes with my Sleep

Can't Sleep. Can't Sleep. Can't Sleep.
Bleh! Heat messes with my sleep. :(
I LOVE YOU - yes you and also all the other yous I know.
Light from my eco-lightbulb illuminates my room. I look around. I see. I see lots of things. Things which really represent me and things that don't. Things that have meant alot to me and things I just can't let go of. I am not a person who is extroverted and I don't go out alot. This may seem quite boring but not to me. Sometimes you really have to question if what you're seeing is how other people see life. If life really means anything at all and why you happen to see life from your point of view. Why not someone Else's?

Life is sometimes like a dream which you cannot think about too much otherwise you loose grip of reality and wonder what moment you're really in. For example I may be writing this right now but before I've realised this moments over today will be gone and I'll be spiralling into the next day without knowing anything about yesterday.

I am not a particularly big-brained person so I can only imagine what people like Hawkin are pondering all day. Or if they're pondering at all. Life's greatest feat of all maybe to stop wondering and have no questions - to be completely content or maybe that's just ignorance...

Well my Specific Feat Capacity will be all used up well before the ultimate feat is to be acoplished. I'll be one of the people not able to complete even one little feat at all.

Hope you got my line of thought,
What's your specific Feat Capacity?

LOTS of Love
I mean it Love to you.

Saturday 22 May 2010


recovered my email thingy,
kpeacebai x
toodle pips.

Tuesday 18 May 2010


DofE was great, thanks for asking :/
Me and lizzie spoke in the funniest of accents, it's urm because I r cool blud.
I have new shinyshiny shoes :D
Haven't posted in a while :/ so I am here, again on lauras accounty thing :)
Last night I set myself a task to do a sociology essay, business concepts, history source sheet, and biology revision.
I done business and one card on biology, oops. :/
I am currently sitting on
laura's sofa, waiting for her.I need her to hurry up because I would like to get the bus today because I need to do my history homework in reg.
Jinkees it's the creeper!

Toodlepips jen x

Saturday 15 May 2010

I don't know if I've mentioned my sleeping patterns on the blog before but they're very weird. So right now at 12:30 at night it's VERY odd for me to be awake. There is a kind of funny commotion outside right now - I just heard a drunken singing of "OHHHHHHHHHHHH your sex is on fire" LOL. I usually go to sleep at around 8:00 meaning that I get 10 hours sleep minimum.

Have you ever looked in mirror and thought is that really me? Or is it my mask? The protective film that we put up between us and strangers as a sort of barrier to prevent us from getting hurt.

My thought processing is a bit off at the moment - probably due to the time. I can't think properly.

You know the term 'choke up over something' - I learnt what that meant today. You regret something so much you can't breath and you start to 'choke up over something'. Or you miss something so much that you 'choke up over something'. It's a horrible sounding term really choke sounds like you're going to die but hey - it's not a nice feeling after all.

Humans make mistakes - lots of them. You just have to try and learn from your mistakes.

Sometimes I ponder the question - am I anti-social? My thought processing normally leads to yes :( SADFACE. I hardly ever go out and I get very nervous when I meet new people and have to talk to them without a connector friend. :P Bleh - I know everyone has faults but I seem to have quite alot. But I probably see them because I'm me.

My mum gave me some of her exspensive perfume weeks ago and I only just realised it smelt like slightly over-ripe bananas :P.

How do you make new friends? I looked on wikihow and googled it but I'm still baffled. I have friends - AMAZING FRIENDS but I just can't seem to fathom how people make new friends of whom they have no or little connection to.

It's almost one o'clock now I'll probably look back on this tommorrow morning and be like - what does this mean?

I should be sleeping around 5 hours ago.

Every answer leads to more questions,
Don't be too puzzled,


Monday 10 May 2010

just took notes on 9 months of work, :)

Business revision done = WIN
Ohey, its jenn :)
Laura's post was a bit emotional :'(
Well, it was for me...
Yes. Business revision all done and dusted :D
I would like to turn laura's post into a song ...
Love jenn

P.s. I'm sorry but I actually well like the Jonas brothers :D

Sunday 9 May 2010


There are some things that we just can't control and often we are left thinking what we are meant to do, why something is happening, or is this really happening.

By no means am I control freak - I just go with the flow and try to make the most of what I've got. Nowadays though, I am beginning to feel more stressed and insecure. I would like to be a confident person - but I'm not. I just pretend to be. I don't really believe that anybody is confident about themselves all the time. There are people who believe that they're too stupid, or too ugly, or that they're rubbish at making friends. We all have flaws but I have come to believe that our biggest flaw of all is our fixation on flaws. Some people may say that it is a fixation on perfection - but that doesn't exist.

I found some old pictures today and they made me feel so sad. I can't ever be in the same moment ever again my life is just whizzing forward on a journey of no return. Every thought I think, every word I write, I cannot write again in the same space at the same time. I just deleted a sentence but I still wrote it, it's still been wrote and I can't unwrite it simply by pressing backspace.

When a volcano is about to erupt it gives signals and signs to warn you about it. It's the same with everything really, before something big, something that could turn your world upside down, there are signs. Many people would just like to ignore the signs - hope nothing happens. Because some of the time the signs mean nothing , they're not there to warn you. So people may pray that they aren't the erupting volcano, and that their sign is invalid.

There are so many questions I would like answered and so many new things to find out. But the simple truth is - there won't be time for them all.

No matter who you are,
Or what flaws you may have,
You're beautiful,
It just takes the right person to see it,
Love Laura

Wednesday 5 May 2010

jenn still on laura's account

Watching waterloo road :3
Hells yeah, done my history, maths and sociology work :D
Relaxation :D
Yep, I have nothing to talk about, so urh imma talk crap

Toodlepips :)

Monday 3 May 2010

jenn doesn't know her email :(

Waiting for bus,
Hmm, paying
On bus :) finally
So I have forgot my email, and my password :(
Tis why it will be saying from laura at the bottom :/
So, hi I'm jenn.
I haven't posted in a while so just to clear thinghs up I am sorry.
And I'm very much alive.
Posting on the go ;) hells yeah (;
Happy birthday Hanne for yesturday
If youtube will let me upload Simba the movie I shall post a link.
But it'll take hours to upload :)

Not laura x


Hanne is now 15 !!!!
SO give her some lovin. :D
I Love you hanne :D
I bet £1 that when you read this it won't be your birthday Han-Pan.

Everyone posted on facebook before me so I was like- I'll be the first to post on the blog :D

Huzzah! Hurrah! Hip Hip Hooray!