Friday 6 November 2009

The Dark

After sneaking out of my back door I found myself wandering around the streets near my house... Normally I thought being in the dark in the rain by yourself could be just about the most unsettling thing you could do...

But as I found myself being in the dark in the rain by myself it was quite comforting actualy that no-one could see me, no-one was there to interrupt my thoughts. No-one knew I was gone no-one was looking for me or wondering where I was. The fact I hadn't asked permission I'd just gone out and could spend as much time as I like 'dilly-dallying'.

So the dark is great... outside.


Monday 26 October 2009

Sorry Guys : S + Division Leader Legend ; )

Hey guys,

I am truly sorry for not updating but lesson learnt! So, alot has been going on and I have tried many new things : ) But I am going to write about the most interesting one so far : D Well far, far away, in the times of old, when weaving tunes into a delicate web of words was unheard of, a small girl no younger than 14 stumbled onto the art of songSPEECH !!! That's right! It all started when, the overly enthusiastic Klenklen (perhaphs under the influence of the magical spells of BOE) said to the forgetful young girl "I am looking forward to your speech" The girl had completly forgotton about this and using her mind-boggling powers of distorting the truth mumbled "Uh! Yeah, it should be interesting..."

Pondering over her nightmareish stack of forgotten work, she hit a chord! (literally)

Surprising the unoptimistic thoughts of the mysterious JO. The whole division was singing 'Vooooooooooooooooooote me a division leader'

Henceforth, songSPEECH was used throughout the Kingdom.

Okay, this wasn't entirely my doing as it was the fabled Jenn who started singing along with the chorus first and so after this the rest of the gaggle joined in : ) Thanks Jenn

Unfortunetly, although quite a few people voted for me my power of song was not strong enough as it still prevailed to be a popularity contest. : (

There's still next year though ; )


Sunday 11 October 2009


I'm gonna try to post everyother day :)
today i have a completely free day, i done all my homework last night, so i can do whatever i like today.
I think this "project" or what was, has kind of gone out the window =/ because i seem to be treating this more like a general blog rather than the "new thing".
My bad..
For once, since the start of the year i have only had 4 pieces of homework, all the other times i had have about 10 D:

Love Jen x

Friday 9 October 2009


Look this is soo bad, i have'nt posted in such a terribly long time. I'm not even going to work it out but my last post was 20th September, SEPTEMBER?
Tidy room,Tidy Minded ;) My new motto..
Or tidy mind, tidy room but that doesn't matter ;)
so i was going to try out for the school's choir Ex-silentio, but i have always thought singing was my friends "thing".
D: weirdest thing ... Light Pink, My new favourite colour? It's so strange pink has never been a colour of mine :L but it's clean and lovely. I also like light brown, light pink and vanilla :)

Sunday 20 September 2009

jen.. again.

Mann i feel so ill, =/
Recently i have been looking forward to the uni days.. Having a flat of my own and being able to go out to the shops spending the money i have earned. Waking up in the morning knowing it's your own life and you can do what you like, i just can't wait to get out of school (seriously thinking about ditching 6th form), But it's along time until then.
I dislike school an awful lot :(, i wish i liked it, but it's something i just don't look forward to. People say that they enjoyed school so much when they actually listened and concentrated hard, actually knew what they were doing. I will try.

Today's something new: Realisation.

Wednesday 16 September 2009


When you peer outside the window into the neighbours garden, you notice a teenage girl only about one year younger than you, jumping on her trampoline by herself,you wonder what she's thinking, which direction her life leads,whether she's thinking the same about herself. As you start deeper thinking into someone else's life you discover things that have been left unsaid. Makes me wonder if the way i treat others is correct, am i being harsh?, or confident? But i don't feel as if i am a unpleasant person, but i think i should change. Most change is good, a fresh start, however, a fresh start from what?.
Soemtimes you realise that your best is not enough, that everything you do must be approved by others. You where only trying to help, So let's live by one rule:
'Let's do what we want as long as it doesn't interfere with others'.

Monday 14 September 2009


Okay guys, i came up with the most AMAZING idea, after i have finished my Alevels (i will be 18) i would LOVE Myself, Hanne and Laura to take a trip on the eurostar to PARIS! We would have such a good time taking loads of photographs and going to the fashion capital ;)
I'm extrememly excited even though it is in 4 years. I have already started saving up ;). Now i have thought of the idea i MUST complete my task.

Yesterday's Something new: Starting a journal
so on saturday i bought a really nice thick notebook but i had no use for it and decided to turn it into a Journal so now i have something aswell as this blog to write about absoloutely anything.
Love ..
Jenn xx

Sunday 13 September 2009

3 for 1 ;)

Friday: Stare pear ;)
Saturday: Buying a £9 notebook for no point whatsoever ;)
Sunday: i Dug up my veggie patch :)

Well, recently i have decided to try to become more trustworthy in other people's eyes :).
Jen now really like 'Getting out by Daniel Merriweather' :)
jen x

Thursday 10 September 2009

Yesterday's Today ;)

Okay.. well.
Today i have offically had all my new option lessons :)
(not all the teachers though) So yes that makes
Today's Something New: Sociology :)
I love i think it's really good to understand about different cultures and how other people can make you act different. But sadly i still have the disgusting thought of drinking a cow's blood clots :*(.

Yesterday's Somethink New: Watching Darren Brown on Tele ;)
Very good and rather humorous :) I Recommend it rather alot.. Watch it on youtube ;).

Currently i am listening to 'Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody' <- so good! <3
Give us some love

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Many Updates in One : )

So I realize I haven't posted for a couple of days :s But don't worry on both of those days I tried something new and so this update is many in one -sort of like buy one get two free ; )

Today's New Thing:
CAR RAVE! Okay this is going to sound quite weird but there's this song which everyone knows in my mum's car and every time it comes on everyone in the car sings along and we have to wait until the end to stop singing so we sometimes just wait in the driveway singing. However today, I had something else in mind... CAR RAVE! This is basically where you drive around in the car with the music full blast and you sing at the top of your voice whatever song comes on next. : )
This is so fun and it is the best thing I've done all week ; ) car raves rule :)

Yesterday's new thing:
New Movies.
Confessions of a Shopaholic- This is an amazing movie if you are having a girls movie night as it is 'the ultimate chick flick' Exciting right? I loved this movie and would thoroughly recommend it. : ) However if you prefer movies with a bit of mystery and a more substantial storyline then this might be a bit to cliche for you - and as a result you might only watch half of it.

Yesterday's Yesterday's new thing:
Hot Fudge Chocolate Cake : ) You'd think that would say it all right?
But no. The delicious topping is absolutely perfect. However, the coco sponge is another thing.
With cakes I like a break in the middle. Otherwise the cake is too dry and gets quite cumbersome. This really is a good cake but for me it just doesn't work :(.
If however you are not such a fine cake critique as me I would recommend this as everyone in my family enjoyed it : ).

Hope this made up for my posting lack : )

Joke: What do you get if you cross Two-Ton-Karmen with a coffee break?
Re-fatinated Coffee

Laura xx

Jenn :)

Okay, sorry for the recent lack of posts, i have actually been quite busy with school D:. (N). And just to add to my frustration it's BOILING HOT! and the heat always makes me really stressed out, then things that wouldn't bother me normally make me very angry :(.

Today's something new: Business Studies.
It's really good but my peers in the class just don't want to learn which makes it harder for me to achieve my full potential. :(
But i'll get over it ;)
Listen to some GaryGo, Makes me feel so much better, especially 'Heart and Soul'. :D

Give us some love ;)

Saturday 5 September 2009

Jen ++ Laura ;)

Hey there,
Today we have done the same New Thing..

Today's Something new: A Study Over.

TBH, we are only having this because Jenn forgot to pickup up the maths homework sheet, but these are GREAT excuses to have sleepovers. Plus it's a great way to study AND have fun ;).

Give us some love, Byedy bye ;)
Jenn Laura
xx xx

Friday 4 September 2009

Year 10 ... Exciting stuff :)

As with both Hanne and Laura my

Today's Something new: GCSE Lessons
But i'm not really freaking out about the whole idea that these exams can potentially make or break my success in the future, i'm kinda mellow about the idea of actually having to study, do coursework and have a bit more responsibility on my shoulders. :)

Well, i have this crazy urge to go outside in the wet and cold in a rain mac and pink wellies and go lay down in a big field looking up at the stars :)... Jenn would like that very much.

I realised one important thing today that I HATE BEING BOSSED AROUND AND TOLD WHAT TO DO ( unless of corse it will eventually benefit me ;) )

And remember ...

Be who you wanna be ... Barbie Girl ;)

Love jenn xx

Laura: Day the First

When a lampost goes off in the middle of the night -just when you happen to look at it- you know somethings gone wrong and just for one moment you jump to a stupid conclusion straight from a horror movie.

It's caveman instincts to fear the dark. Yet somehow we are curious about it.

Today I saw that lampost go off. Today I figured out that we as humans like things to be familiar although we like to see new things experience new things we ultimately like to be somewhere that feels like home where we don't have to care about our bed hair or how badly we sing to music.

I went to my first GCSE lesson and somehow easing into the work felt somewhat harder than just a clean break. Of course all of the teachers gave us the 'GCSE speech'. I felt like a frog in a bowl of water gradually heating up (if you put a frog in boiling water it'll jump straight out but if you slowly heat it up it'll just sit there until it's dead).

But of course GCSE's aren't all bad. It means that you know which sort of direction you'll go with your life and helps you understand your weakness's and strengths. : )

Todays new thing: GCSE lessons

Thursday 3 September 2009

Jenn's First Post (: 03/09/09

Howdy ;)
So yeah, this is Jenn.. (right in the photo) ... and i thought i would do my first post :)
Today's something new: Write a Blog.
Yes this is the first Blog i have done, eventhough i had been saying to myself to get one ;) and to be honest if you haven't already got one, GET ONE NOW!

Today i have learnt that things arn't always what they seem so try not to judge ;) and 'Don't try to change the future if we forget about the past'.
Okay, That's all from me today ..
Jenn ♥

Us three --->
From left to right: Hanne, Laura and Jenn (: Just thought you might want to know who you're listening to :D x

Hello, and welcome to our blog (:

As the cleverer ones of you may have guessed, this blog is our project. So what is the project? I'll tell you the story...
All three of us felt like our lives were going the same at school, get back and do the same things every day, every night. So, we got together one wonderful weekend in September and decided to do 'The Project'.
The task is quite simple- every one of us must do something new every day. It doesn't matter if we do it together or separately...however big or small, a new task is a new task, and we're going to stick to this until the end of term. Wish us luck!

So, here's from Jenn, Hanne and Laura...see you tomorrow (: x

Today's new thing: Starting a blog (: